Monthly Archives: December 2014

Happy New Year, lovelies

So here we are again, another year over and a new year begins. It’s technically just another day, another hour and another minute, but we make it special. It’s a mass ritual where we light up the sky and look up

Happy New Year, lovelies

So here we are again, another year over and a new year begins. It’s technically just another day, another hour and another minute, but we make it special. It’s a mass ritual where we light up the sky and look up

Happy Christmas

Merry Christmas! I’m feeling blessed today for all the amazing people in my life, which includes you. You have touched my heart, made me think, and in general opened up my world more than I ever could have imagined. Thank you for

Happy Christmas

Merry Christmas! I’m feeling blessed today for all the amazing people in my life, which includes you. You have touched my heart, made me think, and in general opened up my world more than I ever could have imagined. Thank you for

Family van Veldhuizen

for all those who have died and are dying from violence

I can barely read the news these days. I just can’t bare to find out who has last been shot, stabbed, burned alive, beheaded, tortured or raped. Reading the news makes me feel so stupid about being lonely the other

Family van Veldhuizen

for all those who have died and are dying from violence

I can barely read the news these days. I just can’t bare to find out who has last been shot, stabbed, burned alive, beheaded, tortured or raped. Reading the news makes me feel so stupid about being lonely the other

All the lonely people

I won’t lie to you: I’ve had some really lonely moments lately. I live alone now, and I live very far away from my family. So after my Peter Frampton record is finished playing and I’m bored with my book and

All the lonely people

I won’t lie to you: I’ve had some really lonely moments lately. I live alone now, and I live very far away from my family. So after my Peter Frampton record is finished playing and I’m bored with my book and

Bird by Bird

I’m reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It’s funny and inspiring. If you want to write a story but don’t know how to tackle it, read this one. The title came from her childhood, when her little brother became overwhelmed by

Bird by Bird

I’m reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It’s funny and inspiring. If you want to write a story but don’t know how to tackle it, read this one. The title came from her childhood, when her little brother became overwhelmed by